Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Review: Six Python IDEs go to the mat

Of all the metrics you could use to gauge the popularity and success of a language, one surefire factor is the number of development environments available for it. Python’s rise in popularity over the last several years has brought with it a strong wave of IDE support, with tools aimed both at the general programmer and those who use Python for tasks like scientific work and analytical programming.

LiClipse provides precise controls over the runtime environment for Python projects. When you create a new project, you can choose which Python interpreter to associate with it, and what PYTHONPATH to use with specific launch configurations. This is useful if you have different revisions of Python installed side-by-side, and you want to ensure that a given project runs with a specific Python version. You don’t even have to use a Python interpreter that has been registered with the system; it can be an executable in a folder somewhere. The JVM-based Jython and the .Net CLR-based IronPython (which is back under active development) are also supported, along with the stock CPython interpreter. (PyPy is not explicitly supported, but should work as a drop-in replacement for CPython per its stated goals.)

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(Insider Story)

from Computerworld

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